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Material from the 10th conference (2023)

Times of change: why culture matters and how we can shape it
‍Karen Braun-Munzinger
Deputy Head of the Banking and Financial Supervision department,
Deutsche Bundesbank

"Banks under stress" - culture & governance in focus
Denise Bauer-Weiler
‍Head Group Compliance, Regulatory & Governance and Member of the Management Board, UBS Europe

The Role of Culture and Governance in the Banking Industry
‍Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Société Générale

Treading softly yet boldly: How culture drives risk in banks – and what supervisors can do about it
Frank Elderson
Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

Past materials

‍9th Conference on the Banking Union
Enabling markets “S” and “G”
Nathan Fabian
‍Chief Responsible Investment Officer, PRI; Chair, European Platform on Sustainable Finance

Sustainability@ING - Our way towards the leading transition bank
Jürgen von der Lehr
Head of Strategy & Sustainability, ING Germany

On the Banking Union and on the path to International Sustainability Disclosure Standards
Erkki Liikanen
Chair, IFRS Foundation

The way towards banks’ good climate change risk management
Anneli Tuominen
Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB‍

AML/CFT 4.0: Time for (a) change
Thorsten Höche
Managing Director and General Counsel, Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken)

Criminal and regulatory enforcement of money laundering legislation in Europe – today and in future under the AMLA
Simone Kämpfer
Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

The new Union AML framework – Commission legislative proposals
Olena Loboiko
Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, European Commission

Video recording: Speech on the state of the Banking Union
Mairead McGuinness
Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, European Commission