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Event occurred on: 10-24-2023

Tax Talks Series: How does tax fit into the ESG landscape and what does this mean for businesses?

Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM EST

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are continuing to be a key consideration in corporate boardrooms – and tax is a key factor in each element of the ESG landscape.

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Under the ‘E’ heading, this most obviously takes the form of green taxes and/or incentives which seek to encourage more environmentally friendly behaviour. From the ‘S’ viewpoint, there is increasing pressure on businesses to pay their ‘fair share’ of tax, ultimately resulting in the OECD’s ambitious proposal to implement a global minimum tax rate for large multinationals as well as ongoing EU proposals to tackle perceived tax abuse and avoidance. The ongoing trend for tax transparency has also resulted in increasing tax ‘G’ obligations, including requirements to publish tax strategies as well as increased tax reporting requirements accompanied by tax information exchange between tax authorities.

Join us for the next in our series of Tax Talks, exclusively available to our contacts, where our panel will:

  • Highlight key EU and global tax measures within the ESG remit;
  • Discuss practical examples of how these measures can impact businesses; and
  • Outline the wider implications of these measures, such as the potential for increased tax audits and disputes and reputational issues.

Freshfields panel moderator

Elizabeth K. Bieber

Partner, Freshfields

See profile >

Freshfields speakers

Dr. Georg Roderburg

Partner, Freshfields

See profile >

Katharina Kubik

Partner Tax, Freshfields

See profile >