COVID-19: Managing Risk in the US – An Update
Six months into COVID-19, our disputes team has been involved in numerous bet-the-company disputes arising out of the challenges posed by the pandemic. In this webinar, members of our dispute team will discuss substantive issues and practical lessons from “litigating during COVID.”
Please join us for a live webinar as our panelists examine a range of topics that include:
• Key lessons from an expedited arbitration and current litigation cases;
• Force majeure, adequate assurance, frustration – how have US courts and US arbitral panels applied these doctrines;
• Discussion of COVID-19 related changes in economics, which has driven company behaviors; and
• Introducing the appropriate COVID-19 related language into contracts and protecting the company from further risk.
Click here to view the webinar.
• Tim Harkness, Partner, Disputes, Litigation and Arbitration
• David Livshiz, Counsel, Disputes, Litigation and Arbitration
• Paige von Mehren, Associate, Disputes, Litigation and Arbitration